A healthy salt intake Know the recommendations

Nowadays everything is carried out quickly in daily life, so it affects our eating habits, causing people to consume less fruits, vegetables and fibers, such as whole grains and more processed foods that contain saturated fats, trans fatty acids, sugar and salt.

Table salt as we know it, is composed mostly of sodium, which at quite high levels is deadly for people, by causing high blood pressure.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is recommended to consume less than 5 grams of salt per day, which is little less than a teaspoon.

The improvement of eating habits is a responsibility that is incumbent on society as well as on ourselves.

Some recommendations to consume less salt in the home are:

-Do not add salt during food preparation

-Do not put salt shakers on the table

-Choose low-sodium products, that is, products low in sodium.

 The salt must be consumed in moderation so as not to affect our organism and, although, to know more and to deny beliefs.

Myths and truths about salt:
Myth: Sea salt is not "better" than the refined one for the simple fact that it is "natural".
Truth: No matter where the salt comes from, sodium is the cause of health problems.
Myth: Only the elderly should worry about the amount of salt they consume.
Truth: Consuming too much salt affects arterial hypertension no matter how old you are.
Myth: Foods without salt have no flavor

Truth: Taste buds are accustomed to different flavors, so that at first you do not find an "acceptable" taste, however, over time you can appreciate the true flavor of the food.