Many times we do not know the fruits that we have around us, that is why it is vital to know them, in this case is the Guava, which has many benefits for the human being, it is recommended to put into practice and see results in the shortest time.

Guava contains properties that make it one of the best options for health, the benefits are diverse and is loved for the same reason, it is a very delicious tropical fruit, its shape resembles the pear with green skin and pale pink in its interior, its pulp is somewhat hard and has small seeds.
Next we tell you what are the benefits of guava. are excellent we recommend you use

                         8 BENEFITS OF THE GUAYABA.

There are tireless benefits of guava as a method of hair recovery, as it strengthens the scalp and makes its growth more effective, in turn has other benefits that are used in the healing treatment of the entire body.

                       FORTIFIES THE IMMUNE SYSTEM.

Due to the high content of vitamin C, guava is able to fortify the immune system, helping to protect against possible diseases and viruses, it is vital to take daily doses to obtain the desired results.

                         BALANCES CANCER CELLS.

This is another of the great benefits that the super fruit under the name of Guava contributes to the organism and is that thanks to the great properties it contains, it helps fight cancer. It does this by neutralizing the effects of free radicals to prevent in this way, the proliferation of cancer cells, these may be issues that we have never heard but according to science have been analysis of its dose and recovery in patients suffering from cancer.

                               PROTECT THE HEART.

Heart problems head the world lists, in fact, it is one of the main causes of death but this fruit can also fight it, just by boiling guava leaves to create an infusion, cholesterol and triglycerides can be lowered and also regulates the levels of blood sugar.

                                  ORAL HEALTH.

Due to the antibacterial agents they contain, they help to remove plaque and prevent gingivitis and other oral problems. Additionally, it has analgesic properties capable of relieving toothaches.

                           COMBAT DIABETES.

As mentioned above, the infusion of guava leaves helps regulate blood sugar levels and the juice of the fruit has the same effect as the infusion, in fact, you will get better results if you consume it daily, in the same way In patients suffering from constipation it is not recommended that the dose be exceeded, as it may have consequences.

                          IMPROVES THE VISION.

Because it is rich in vitamin A, it is extremely beneficial for vision and well-being, it is able to reduce night blindness and protect the cells of the retina, so that good vision is ensured for much longer.

                             FAVORS THE SKIN.

The antioxidants it contains are not only good for fighting cancer but they are also extremely efficient in taking care of the skin and protecting it from free radicals, in fact, it delays the appearance of wrinkles and premature aging.

                          THE DIARRHEA BREAKS.

In this sense, it works excellent also because it contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system, prevents and stops diarrhea and also keeps the body well hydrated, which is extremely beneficial at this time because when you suffer from diarrhea, it slows down It can lead to dehydration, therefore it is recommended in these types of conditions.

source: Ana Rosario