The Carambola. Name in English: Starfruit. Scientific name. Averhoa carambola. It is a tree of edible fruits and small branches that reaches nine meters high. It is from the Oxalidaceae family. Its leaves are compound and green, persistent and alternating, its inflorescence varies in color from pink to purple and collected in clusters. The harvesting of the fruit takes place two to three times a year.

This tree produces fruit called carambola that has the appearance of a yellow-orange berry star-shaped and containing two flat seeds, the flesh is juicy with a strong and spicy flavor. This tree is native to Malaysia, and is found in all tropical regions of South America, through Australia, Israel and India, The star fruit has a high water content with more than 90% of the composition that comes of the. It contains 2.8 grams of dietary fiber and is low-fat fruit. It contains 3 grams of dietary fiber that gives 11% of the daily requirement and is a fruit low in sugar. The most abundant nutrient in this fruit is vitamin C, which makes it provide 57% of daily needs.

The antioxidants and flavonoids contained in it, make the Carambola a healthy fruit that combats diseases such as cancer and inflammation effectively. The fiber
It makes digestion very powerful and treatment of colon cancer. It is considered a healthy fruit with its moderate nutritional composition.

Star fruit, Coromandel gooseberry, Goa apple, long blinblin, country brine, carambole, carambole, star fruit, bilimbin, tiriguro, carambola currant and Chinese fruit.


Star Fruit is rich in vitamin C, a water soluble vitamin that is considered to be one of the best antioxidants for the body. Provides 34.4 milligrams of vitamin C, which is 57% of the daily requirement, Antioxidants improve immune function by cleansing toxins and free radicals that are formed in our body as a result of exposure to the environment and systems internal metabolism. These free radicals are responsible for degenerative and chronic disease.

Free radicals aggravate inflammation in the body and delay tissue repair. Carambola contains a high amount of antioxidants and flavonoids that are very beneficial to protect from such inflammation. Vitamin C not only acts as an antioxidant that eliminates toxins, it also produces collagen. Collagen is an essential component that repairs and formulates bones, arteries and blood vessels.


Eating a star fruit or using it directly on acne-prone skin or oily skin as a mask, benefits the skin both ways. On the skin let it act for 20 minutes and then wipe it with a cloth moistened with water.


Wash and cut into pieces the 4 carambolas. To pass through the blender the pieces together with half a liter of water and honey to taste to sweeten. If you see that it is too thick, add more water. Do the same with honey.
Once it is, go through a Chinese sieve so that there are no lumps and put in the refrigerator in a suitable container. Every 30 minutes remove, remove and put back in the fridge. When ready, that is, all the juice in the container, move and serve.


Boil a carambola for a few minutes and filter the contents. Next, gargle several times a day. The action that encourages oral cleansing and will accelerate the eradication of some sore in the mouth.

Many studies have shown the high toxicity of the fruit and its juice, so it is a fruit drink in moderation, Patients with kidney failure or in dialysis patients, the carambola increases the risk of worsening of symptoms due to a neurotoxin associated with oxalic acid containing: this star fruit is a potent nephrotoxic, The symptoms of fruit star poisoning can be hiccups, insomnia, nausea, vomiting and mental confusion, The seeds are the most toxic part of the fruit . So be careful with your consumption.

SOURCE : Ana Rosario