Recipe chicken entomated with herbs

The chicken entomated was an invention that went well. It is not a dish made after a gastronomic analysis, I was just in the kitchen bored seeing what to prepare for dinner ... there was chicken, tomato, cilantro and parsley (there were more things, but I was too lazy to check). Those ingredients were enough to cook something rich.

Chicken curry recipe

I removed the chicken skin, the skin is only left when it is fried. I seasoned it with salt, pepper and paprika. Why paprika? Because I was in front of me when I went to grab the salt: "Where is the salt? Ah, look, the paprika that I was looking for the other day and could not get ... mmm, I'm going to put paprika powder on this chicken ".

Actually this recipe should be called Chicken Entominated with Herbs and Paprika.

It is easy to prepare and the flavor is surprisingly delicious

Stewed chicken recipe with tomatoes and fresh herbs. Easy and very nutritious.

* Type of recipe Chicken

* Preparation time ------- 20 minutes
* Cooking time ----------- 30 minutes
* Total time --------------- 50 minutes
* Servings ----------------- 4

* 4 skinless chicken quadriles
* 3 mature medium tomatoes
* 1 small onion
*  Several sprigs of fresh coriander and parsley
* 1 spicy chilli pepper
*  Paprika powder
*  Salt
*  Pepper

1- Stir fry the onion in a deep pot until it begins to clear. Reserve it separately.

2- In the same pot, with a little more oil add the pieces of chicken and let them cook until well sealed on all sides (turn them over).

3- Add the sofritas onions, the chilli pepper and the 3 tomatoes, previously peeled and cut rustically, that is, it does not matter if they are julienne, medium squares or whatever you want.

4- After 5 minutes of cooking, add the chopped herbs very small.

5- Let cook a while. If necessary, add half a cup of water. Check the salt and pepper in case you need more.

6- Lower the heat and cover. Stir from time to time.

7- In about 30 minutes your entomped chicken will be ready.

8- Serve with white rice or baked potatoes.


Many times we do not know the fruits that we have around us, that is why it is vital to know them, in this case is the Guava, which has many benefits for the human being, it is recommended to put into practice and see results in the shortest time.

Guava contains properties that make it one of the best options for health, the benefits are diverse and is loved for the same reason, it is a very delicious tropical fruit, its shape resembles the pear with green skin and pale pink in its interior, its pulp is somewhat hard and has small seeds.
Next we tell you what are the benefits of guava. are excellent we recommend you use

                         8 BENEFITS OF THE GUAYABA.

There are tireless benefits of guava as a method of hair recovery, as it strengthens the scalp and makes its growth more effective, in turn has other benefits that are used in the healing treatment of the entire body.

                       FORTIFIES THE IMMUNE SYSTEM.

Due to the high content of vitamin C, guava is able to fortify the immune system, helping to protect against possible diseases and viruses, it is vital to take daily doses to obtain the desired results.

                         BALANCES CANCER CELLS.

This is another of the great benefits that the super fruit under the name of Guava contributes to the organism and is that thanks to the great properties it contains, it helps fight cancer. It does this by neutralizing the effects of free radicals to prevent in this way, the proliferation of cancer cells, these may be issues that we have never heard but according to science have been analysis of its dose and recovery in patients suffering from cancer.

                               PROTECT THE HEART.

Heart problems head the world lists, in fact, it is one of the main causes of death but this fruit can also fight it, just by boiling guava leaves to create an infusion, cholesterol and triglycerides can be lowered and also regulates the levels of blood sugar.

                                  ORAL HEALTH.

Due to the antibacterial agents they contain, they help to remove plaque and prevent gingivitis and other oral problems. Additionally, it has analgesic properties capable of relieving toothaches.

                           COMBAT DIABETES.

As mentioned above, the infusion of guava leaves helps regulate blood sugar levels and the juice of the fruit has the same effect as the infusion, in fact, you will get better results if you consume it daily, in the same way In patients suffering from constipation it is not recommended that the dose be exceeded, as it may have consequences.

                          IMPROVES THE VISION.

Because it is rich in vitamin A, it is extremely beneficial for vision and well-being, it is able to reduce night blindness and protect the cells of the retina, so that good vision is ensured for much longer.

                             FAVORS THE SKIN.

The antioxidants it contains are not only good for fighting cancer but they are also extremely efficient in taking care of the skin and protecting it from free radicals, in fact, it delays the appearance of wrinkles and premature aging.

                          THE DIARRHEA BREAKS.

In this sense, it works excellent also because it contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system, prevents and stops diarrhea and also keeps the body well hydrated, which is extremely beneficial at this time because when you suffer from diarrhea, it slows down It can lead to dehydration, therefore it is recommended in these types of conditions.

source: Ana Rosario 

A healthy salt intake Know the recommendations

Nowadays everything is carried out quickly in daily life, so it affects our eating habits, causing people to consume less fruits, vegetables and fibers, such as whole grains and more processed foods that contain saturated fats, trans fatty acids, sugar and salt.

Table salt as we know it, is composed mostly of sodium, which at quite high levels is deadly for people, by causing high blood pressure.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is recommended to consume less than 5 grams of salt per day, which is little less than a teaspoon.

The improvement of eating habits is a responsibility that is incumbent on society as well as on ourselves.

Some recommendations to consume less salt in the home are:

-Do not add salt during food preparation

-Do not put salt shakers on the table

-Choose low-sodium products, that is, products low in sodium.

 The salt must be consumed in moderation so as not to affect our organism and, although, to know more and to deny beliefs.

Myths and truths about salt:
Myth: Sea salt is not "better" than the refined one for the simple fact that it is "natural".
Truth: No matter where the salt comes from, sodium is the cause of health problems.
Myth: Only the elderly should worry about the amount of salt they consume.
Truth: Consuming too much salt affects arterial hypertension no matter how old you are.
Myth: Foods without salt have no flavor

Truth: Taste buds are accustomed to different flavors, so that at first you do not find an "acceptable" taste, however, over time you can appreciate the true flavor of the food.



Osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis, as we usually know it, occurs when the cartilage wears out. The cartilages act as buffers between the bones and allow them to articulate smoothly against one another (cartilage).

When this wear occurs, the bones no longer have how to separate and begin to rub against each other, and this is what causes pain, inflammation and prevents the usual movements.

cases spurs develop around them.
The pieces of bone that can be detached are usually embedded in that free space that leaves the joint worn causing more pain.
People who suffer from this chronic disease, see their life limited by the lack of progressive movement that occurs in legs, arms and hands but does not affect internal organs as it does rheumatoid arthritis.

Usually occurs in elderly people and the vast majority are women.
If you suffer from osteoarthritis or know someone in this situation we will let you know an herbal remedy that will help you cope with this disease and reduce inflammation and pain.



1 tablespoon of thyme.
1 tablespoon of rosemary.
2 leaves of mint or spearmint.
1 spoonful of sage
1 liter of water.


- Boil the water and place all the herbs inside. (If the herbs are fresh, so much the better, otherwise, you can use the dried ones).
-Keep the boil for 5 minutes.
- Turn off the heat and let it rest for 15 minutes with the pot covered.
-Collar the infusion and keep refrigerated.

Drink 1 to 2 cups per day, sweetening with honey preferably, for 3 weeks. It can be drunk cold or hot.

Consume Vitamin D to absorb calcium. We find this vitamin in the sun or with supplements. Calcium strengthens bones and makes them more resistant.

Overweight is harmful to joints because they must make the effort to support an excessive weight. Control your body weight
Practice physical activity that allows you to strengthen muscles that are responsible for protecting the joints.
Caring for body posture is essential, since the spine may suffer from accelerated osteoarthritis when subjected to prolonged periods of deficient positions.

SOURCE : Ana Rosario


The Carambola. Name in English: Starfruit. Scientific name. Averhoa carambola. It is a tree of edible fruits and small branches that reaches nine meters high. It is from the Oxalidaceae family. Its leaves are compound and green, persistent and alternating, its inflorescence varies in color from pink to purple and collected in clusters. The harvesting of the fruit takes place two to three times a year.

This tree produces fruit called carambola that has the appearance of a yellow-orange berry star-shaped and containing two flat seeds, the flesh is juicy with a strong and spicy flavor. This tree is native to Malaysia, and is found in all tropical regions of South America, through Australia, Israel and India, The star fruit has a high water content with more than 90% of the composition that comes of the. It contains 2.8 grams of dietary fiber and is low-fat fruit. It contains 3 grams of dietary fiber that gives 11% of the daily requirement and is a fruit low in sugar. The most abundant nutrient in this fruit is vitamin C, which makes it provide 57% of daily needs.

The antioxidants and flavonoids contained in it, make the Carambola a healthy fruit that combats diseases such as cancer and inflammation effectively. The fiber
It makes digestion very powerful and treatment of colon cancer. It is considered a healthy fruit with its moderate nutritional composition.

Star fruit, Coromandel gooseberry, Goa apple, long blinblin, country brine, carambole, carambole, star fruit, bilimbin, tiriguro, carambola currant and Chinese fruit.


Star Fruit is rich in vitamin C, a water soluble vitamin that is considered to be one of the best antioxidants for the body. Provides 34.4 milligrams of vitamin C, which is 57% of the daily requirement, Antioxidants improve immune function by cleansing toxins and free radicals that are formed in our body as a result of exposure to the environment and systems internal metabolism. These free radicals are responsible for degenerative and chronic disease.

Free radicals aggravate inflammation in the body and delay tissue repair. Carambola contains a high amount of antioxidants and flavonoids that are very beneficial to protect from such inflammation. Vitamin C not only acts as an antioxidant that eliminates toxins, it also produces collagen. Collagen is an essential component that repairs and formulates bones, arteries and blood vessels.


Eating a star fruit or using it directly on acne-prone skin or oily skin as a mask, benefits the skin both ways. On the skin let it act for 20 minutes and then wipe it with a cloth moistened with water.


Wash and cut into pieces the 4 carambolas. To pass through the blender the pieces together with half a liter of water and honey to taste to sweeten. If you see that it is too thick, add more water. Do the same with honey.
Once it is, go through a Chinese sieve so that there are no lumps and put in the refrigerator in a suitable container. Every 30 minutes remove, remove and put back in the fridge. When ready, that is, all the juice in the container, move and serve.


Boil a carambola for a few minutes and filter the contents. Next, gargle several times a day. The action that encourages oral cleansing and will accelerate the eradication of some sore in the mouth.

Many studies have shown the high toxicity of the fruit and its juice, so it is a fruit drink in moderation, Patients with kidney failure or in dialysis patients, the carambola increases the risk of worsening of symptoms due to a neurotoxin associated with oxalic acid containing: this star fruit is a potent nephrotoxic, The symptoms of fruit star poisoning can be hiccups, insomnia, nausea, vomiting and mental confusion, The seeds are the most toxic part of the fruit . So be careful with your consumption.

SOURCE : Ana Rosario


The thyroid gland is one of the most important glands for our body, because many of the processes that are really important depend on it, so that our body works effectively.

If you did not know, this gland is located under our trachea and is responsible for regulating our metabolism and some of the hormones in our body, which is why it is very important to take care of it.

But how to take care of it? There is a series of foods that definitely go great when the care of the thyroid is tart, however there are some that should not be consumed as it would be severely affected.

Today we will tell you some foods that you should not consume, in addition to the symptoms that occur when the thyroid disease is prone to be detected. Do not wait any longer and keep reading this post and learn to take care of your thyroid.

It is important to note that thyroid disease usually affects women between 40 and 50 years, and may even occur along with menopause so their symptoms will be better camouflaged, because both problems share very similar symptoms.

If the thyroid gland fails, we will immediately notice that the physical changes will be remarkable and even alarming.

If you experience fatigue or constant tiredness, even after you have rested, it may mean that your thyroid gland is failing.

Weight imbalances
You can increase or even observe weight loss depending on whether it is hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. This type of problems can also lead to an increase in the levels of blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides and even alter the blood flow causing diabetes to heart discomfort.

Mood changes
You are probably very happy and suddenly you feel sad. This is due to the negative changes that your body is having, it is very likely that you feel that you are going crazy.

Pains in the body
Acute ailments will occur most of all in the joints and muscles.

Problems to reproduce:
If you try to have a child and you can not, it can be because of the thyroid. Instead you can seek help from a specialist, to achieve what you long for.

If you eat foods with gluten, the functioning of your gland will be affected and discomfort will intensify. Avoid eating this type of food.

Fermented soy:
Do not even think about eating this, because in addition to generating problems with the thyroid, it also affects reproduction and weakens our immune system.

Remember to share, comment, like (like) our publications and tag your friends so that this family keeps growing. If you help us spread our publications, every day we can continue to provide them with a greater amount of health, beauty and general wellbeing advice.

SOURCE :  Crismarlin Paula


The first thing we see when we are talking to a person or when we observe it, is his face. For better or for worse, this part of the body is not covered like many others. Hence, the appearance of the face is very important. If we do not have an impeccable face, we can transmit a bad image of ourselves. However, we all know that having a radiant and beautiful face is not a very easy job. As we know, factors such as sunlight, acne, age and spots can be our worst enemies. These attack our face without mercy, so that most can not do anything about it. Unfortunately, more than one has to go through this stressful situation, especially for women.

MY DOCTOR WAS LOOKING FOR A PROBLEM! THEREFORE, BUT I'M 50 YEARS OLD AND I LOOK LIKE 25. IN SO ONLY DAYS YOU WILL DISAPPEAR: YOUR WRINKLES, SPOTS. The first thing we see when we are talking to a person or when we observe it, is his face. For better or for worse, this part of the body is not covered like many others. Hence, the appearance of the face is very important. If we do not have an impeccable face, we can transmit a bad image of ourselves. However, we all know that having a radiant and beautiful face is not a very easy job. As we know, factors such as sunlight, acne, age and spots can be our worst enemies. These attack our face without mercy, so that most can not do anything about it. Unfortunately, more than one has to go through this stressful situation, especially for women. To combat all the aforementioned ills, we can resort to medical treatments. These are very effective, but often they have worse side effects than the same one. If we add that the necessary medicine is very expensive, we will realize that this is not the best option. For this reason, many prefer to learn to live with wrinkles, spots, pimples and other facial ailments. However, this does not have to be your case. There are many very economical and effective natural remedies that can help you. The best of all is that you can prepare them from your own home with simple ingredients to get. Today we want to talk to you about one of those natural remedies that will save your life. The product we are talking about is a natural cream prepared at home, very easy to make. It will help us eliminate wrinkles and blemishes, combat acne and almost any dermatological problem of the face. If you want to learn how to prepare it and take advantage of it, pay attention to the following instructions. WHAT WE WILL NEED: Lemon or apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon). Chopped parsley leaves (2 units). Mineral water (200 milliliters). PREPARATION AND USE: Preparing this drink is very simple. The first thing we should do is put the water in a pot and bring it to a boil. When it reaches the boiling point, add the previously chopped parsley leaves.

At this point, we will let the water continue to boil for 15 more minutes. Exhausted this time, we will extinguish the fire and let it cool to room temperature. Once it has cooled, we will add the lemon juice to the boiled parsley leaves. To conclude, we filtered the substance, put it in a glass container and put it in the refrigerator. With this substance we should wash our faces every morning and afternoon. It will be able to deeply clean your pores and then seal them. But before sealing them, it will provide the skin with all the nutrients necessary to whiten it. After a month of having started using this product, you will notice great changes in your skin. However, after its application, it is recommended to use some type of sunscreen. This is because the cleaner has a lemon that, if exposed to the sun, can cause spots on the skin. But even if you are not using this treatment, it is always recommended to use sunscreen to protect your face.

What are you waiting to protect your face and make it look spectacular? Prepare this cleansing cream today and take advantage of all its benefits. We assure you that you will not regret the results that you will achieve in a very short time. If you think this information could help your friends, share it on your social networks.

SOURCE : Crismarlin Paula