Recipe chicken entomated with herbs

The chicken entomated was an invention that went well. It is not a dish made after a gastronomic analysis, I was just in the kitchen bored seeing what to prepare for dinner ... there was chicken, tomato, cilantro and parsley (there were more things, but I was too lazy to check). Those ingredients were enough to cook something rich.

Chicken curry recipe

I removed the chicken skin, the skin is only left when it is fried. I seasoned it with salt, pepper and paprika. Why paprika? Because I was in front of me when I went to grab the salt: "Where is the salt? Ah, look, the paprika that I was looking for the other day and could not get ... mmm, I'm going to put paprika powder on this chicken ".

Actually this recipe should be called Chicken Entominated with Herbs and Paprika.

It is easy to prepare and the flavor is surprisingly delicious

Stewed chicken recipe with tomatoes and fresh herbs. Easy and very nutritious.

* Type of recipe Chicken

* Preparation time ------- 20 minutes
* Cooking time ----------- 30 minutes
* Total time --------------- 50 minutes
* Servings ----------------- 4

* 4 skinless chicken quadriles
* 3 mature medium tomatoes
* 1 small onion
*  Several sprigs of fresh coriander and parsley
* 1 spicy chilli pepper
*  Paprika powder
*  Salt
*  Pepper

1- Stir fry the onion in a deep pot until it begins to clear. Reserve it separately.

2- In the same pot, with a little more oil add the pieces of chicken and let them cook until well sealed on all sides (turn them over).

3- Add the sofritas onions, the chilli pepper and the 3 tomatoes, previously peeled and cut rustically, that is, it does not matter if they are julienne, medium squares or whatever you want.

4- After 5 minutes of cooking, add the chopped herbs very small.

5- Let cook a while. If necessary, add half a cup of water. Check the salt and pepper in case you need more.

6- Lower the heat and cover. Stir from time to time.

7- In about 30 minutes your entomped chicken will be ready.

8- Serve with white rice or baked potatoes.